Today's Timetable
Live Phonics Lesson - 10:30
Class Circle Time - See email form class teachers
Daily Mile
* Please note that there is no live story today *
Today we are learning to correctly use exclamation marks in sentences. The learning videos and activities are on BBC Bitesize and the link is at the bottom of the page. There is also a worksheet at the bottom of this page, but do not worry if you don't have access to a printer because there are plenty of activities to do on the Bitesize website.
Live Phonics Lesson - 10:30
The link to the live phonics lesson has been sent via email. If you are unable to attend the live session, the PowerPoint will be available at the bottom of this page.
Today we are continuing our learning about making equal groups. At the bottom of this page, there is a link to the learning video and worksheet.
We have been learning about Christianity and Friendship this half term.
Today we are making Friendship Bracelets for our friends.
You will need:
Tubes of pasta or beads
String or pipe cleaners
Simply thread you pasta onto the string and tie in a knot to make a bracelet. Easy peasy.
If you are feeling adventurous you can dye your pasta, just put the pasta in a food bag, add a few squirts of paint, then a few squirts of PVA glue and mix it all together, leave it to dry for a few hours (warning, this is very messy )
While you are making your bracelets think about who you find it easy or difficult to be friends with, how you are a good friend and how you could be a better friend. Who are you going to give your friendship bracelet to?
Daily Mile
It is now time to get some fresh air. You can complete the daily mile just like we do at school. How long can you run for?