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Today's Timetable


Live Phonics Lesson - 10:00



Daily Mile

Live Story Time - 2:30



Today we are learning to write statements. At the bottom of this page, there is a document explaining statements and questions.

Yesterday you wrote questions linked to the story. Today we would like you to look back at yesterday's work and answer the questions. The story is available to re-read or listen to again on Wednesday's home learning page.

Remember to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.


Live Phonics Lesson - 10:00

The link to the live phonics lesson has been sent via email. If you are unable to attend the live session, the PowerPoint will be available on this page of the website after the lesson.



Today we are continuing to compare number sentences using the greater than, less and and equal to symbols. 
The links to the online video and the activity sheet are at the bottom of this page. 



We are learning about Christianity and Friendship this half term in R.E. 

What makes a good friend? 

Answer these questions and discuss them with a grown up. 

Does a good friend make you happy?

Does a good friend listen to you?

Does a good friend laugh at you?

Does a good friend call you names?

Does a good friend share things with you?

Draw a picture of your good friend or friends! Finish the sentence 'A good friend ...' (e.g. A good friend plays games with you and is kind.) 


Daily Mile

It is now time to get some fresh air. You can complete the daily mile just like we do at school. How long can you run for?


Live Story - 2:30

The link to the live story time has been sent via email. This will be a lovely time to see some of your friends.

