Miss R Randall -
Acting Headteacher
Mrs A Thompson -
SENCo / Key Stage One Lead
Mrs F Parr –
School Business Manager
Ms D Mear –
School Clerical Assistant
Mr R Mann –
Site Manager
If you need to contact anyone at school, please get in touch.
Call in and see us, or telephone 0115 8476787; email office@standhill.notts.sch.uk, or write to Carlton Standhill Infants' School, Standhill Road, Nottingham NG4 1JL
Mrs L Taylor -
Class 1: Foundation Stage Two
Mr C Worrall -
Class 2: Foundation Stage Two Lead
Mrs L Wardell -
Acting Deputy Headteacher
Class 3: Y1/2 mixed
Mrs A Thompson -
Class 4: Year 1/2 mixed job share
Mrs N Magiera -
Class 5: Year 1/2 mixed (job share)
Miss K Glover -
Class 5: Year 1/2 mixed (job share)
Mrs J Brennan -
Class 4 job share Monday/Tuesday and Music teacher every Wednesday
Miss H Leigh -
PE coach - Wednesdays
Teaching Assistants
Mrs N Rickman
Mrs H Osborne
Mrs J Clarke
Mrs L Bakewell
Mrs J Smith
Miss R Wollacott
Lunchtime staff
Midday Supervisors:
Mrs P Mackereth
Miss A Brennan
Miss S Smalley
Miss K Rooney
Mrs L Kopustiene
Kitchen Supervisors
Mrs B Bernard and Mrs T Soar
School crossing patrol officer – vacant