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Can you complete the activities below?


  • Counting forwards and backwards.

       Can you practise counting forwards and backwards in 1's, 2's, 3's, 5's and 10's?

       Use the link below to use a 100 square grid to help you practise.

100 Square Grid


  • Number bonds

      Use the videos below to help you record your number bonds.

      Year 1 - Can you find all the ways to make 10? e.g. 0 + 10, 1 + 9

      Year 2 - Can you find all the ways to make 20? e.g. 0 + 20, 1 +19

      You could use lego pieces or your teddies to show different number bonds! 

           e.g. 2 lego pieces + 8 teddies make 10 altogether!


White Rose videos: 

Number Bonds to 10

Find and Make Number Bonds


Super Movers Number Bonds song:

Super Movers Number Bonds song




