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Welcome to our Governors’ section.  This is where we will post any relevant news and information for parents from our Governors.


School governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools. Governors appoint the head teacher and deputy headteacher.

Governing bodies make decisions which are in the best interests of the children.

All governors are linked to priority areas on the school improvement plan.


Our governing body is made up of 10 members.  These are the people who volunteer as governors at Standhill infants' School:

Mrs Clarke - Staff Governor


Mrs Bucknall -  Chair of Governors  Co-opted Governor

Mr Morley - LA Governor Chair of Finance committee


Mrs Ghattaora - Headteacher


Mr C Worrall - Co-opted Governor


Miss S Flint - Parent Governor



Miss M Duncan - Parent Governor


Miss Scott - Co-opted Governor Chair of School review committee


Mrs E Croghan - Parent Governor


Mrs S Britten - Vice Chair Co-opted Governor




Name & Category of Governor

Term of Office

Committee Commitment

Roles and Responsibilities

Attendance for last academic year 23/24

Attendance for this academic year 24/25

Suzanne Britten

Co-opted Governor

17/6/2021 to 16/6/2025

S R Committee

Vice chair of Governors

Full: 3/3

SR: 2/2

Full: 0/3

SR: 1/3

Jackie Bucknall

Co-opted Governor

17/3/2020 to 16/3/2028 (first appointed 17/3/2016)

S R Committee

 Chair of governors 


Full: 3/3

SR: 2/2

Full: 0/3

SR: 1/3

Joy Clarke

Staff Governor

5/10/3021 to 4/10/3025 (first appointed 5/10/3001)

F & G P Committee

SR Committee




Full: 2/3

F&GP: 3/3

SR: 2/2

Full: 0/3

F&GP: 0/3

SR: 0/3

Emma Croghan Parent Governor

19/5/2021 to 18/5/2025

F & G P Committee


Full: 3/3

F&GP: 3/3

Full: 0/3

F&GP: 0/3

Sarah Flint


17/10/2022 to 16/10/2026 (first appointed 17/10/2018)

F & G P Committee


Full: 3/3

F&GP: 3/3

(SR: 1/2)

Full: 0/3

F&GP: 0/3

Sarah Ghattaora



All Committees



Full: 3/3

F&GP: 3/3

SR: 2/2

Full: 0/3

F&GP: 0/3

SR: 0/3

Terry Morley

Local Authority Governor

17/05/23 to 16/05/2027

F & G P Committee

HT Appraisal

Pay Committee

Chair F&GP

Full: 1/3

F&GP: 2/3

Full: 0/3

F&GP: 0/3

Nichola Scott

Co-opted Governor

10/3/2020 to 10/3/2028

S R Committee

Chair of School review Committee

Full: 3/3

SR: 1/2

Full: 0/3

F&GP: 0/3

Marie Duncan

Parent Governor

26/1/2024 to 25/1/2028

S R Committee


Full: 2/2

Full 0/3

SR: 1/3

Connor Worrall Co-opted Governor

8/10/2018 to 8/10/2026

S R Committee

H & S

Full: 3/3      

SR: 2/2

Full: 0/3

SR: 1/3


  • Mrs S Ghattaora (Headteacher)
  • Mrs J Clarke (Teaching assistant/ready-for-school group)



  • Mr T Morley



  • Mrs J Bucknall (chair of governors)
  • Mr C Worrall
  • Miss N Scott
  • Mrs S Britten 



  • Miss S Flint
  • Miss M Duncan
  • Mrs E Croghan 



If you need to speak to a Standhill School governor about anything to do with the school, your child, their teaching or if you have any concerns, the parent governors are often at the school gates at the start and end of the day. Other governors are often in school helping out and visiting to see how everything is going.  


If you'd rather write, please either drop a letter or email to Mrs J Bucknall, c/o the school, or leave a message with school and ask for a governor to call you back. 


We have 3 committees which cover different areas of how the school operates. The finance committee makes sure money is well-spent and accounted for - and that we get all the money coming in that we possibly can. The school review committee ensures children are getting the best education that the school can offer, that the curriculum is right for the children and that end of key stage results are in line with those attained nationally. 


Finance committee members:
Mr Morley (committee chair), Mrs Clarke,  Mrs Ghattaora, Miss Flint, Mrs Wheldon and Mrs Croghan.


Headteacher's appraisal committee:

Mr Morley and Miss Flint 


Pay committee:

Mrs Ghattaora, Mr Morley and Miss Flint


School Review committee members: 

Mrs Bucknall (committee chair),  Mrs Clarke, Mrs Ghattaora, Mr Worrall, Miss Scott and Mrs Britten


The Small Print:

The governing body is responsible for the conduct of its school, and must promote high standards of educational achievement at the school.

It is the school’s accountable body and as such:

• provides a strategic view of the school by establishing a vision and setting the purpose and aims of the school within an agreed policy framework. It appoints and performance manages the headteacher, agreeing the school improvement strategy which includes setting statutory targets with supporting budgets and staffing structures;

• monitors and evaluates the work of the school by reviewing the performance of the headteacher, the effectiveness of the policy framework, progress towards targets, and the effectiveness of the school improvement strategy;

• signs off the self evaluation process and responds to school improvement service and Ofsted reports as necessary. In addition it holds the headteacher to account for the performance of the school and ensures that parents are involved, consulted and informed as appropriate, with information to the community being made available as required.


Who can become a school governor? 

Almost anyone over 18 years of age can become a governor. There are no particular qualifications or requirements, other than a willingness to give time to the role and a capacity for working with other people. 

There are different types of school with different categories of governor.

The types of state schools in England are: community voluntary controlled voluntary aided foundation trust – a type of foundation school academies, free Schools and City Technology Colleges  – independent state funded schools.

There are also different categories of governor: parent staff foundation partnership local authority co-opted.

The type of governor you will become depends on your situation; however all governors have the same roles and responsibilities once part of the governing board.


How do I become a governor?

If you think you have what it takes to be a school governor there are a number of ways of finding schools that have vacancies.
