Welcome back. We hope you had a lovely Easter break.This term we will be enjoying learning through our topic, Pirate and witches and Trolls, Oh My! Our key text will be julia Donaldson's 'The Troll'. We will be consolidating and extending learning, making links across different familiar stories, exploring characters and settings. In maths we go beyond ten, using and building upon prior number knowledge and understanding. We will be exploring maps, bridges and our environment. Fingers crossed we will also get some lovely sunshine as we consider seasonal change and how this can be seen in our environment.
Home Learning Challenges:
Make a tasty snack for the Troll so he doesn't have to eat fish again!
Write a recipe.
How many Julia donaldson books can you share and re-tell?
Make your own treasure map or pirate ship.
Take a photo of your Pirate Family or create a pirate own pirate persona.